The AI-powered securities diligence platform.

Control costs and reduce risk by managing comfort and backup with Statera.

Stop wasting legal talent on non-legal work.

Circling documents and updating Excel sheets isn't legal work – so why are lawyers still doing it?

We help you manage the non-legal elements of securities diligence and reporting, so lawyers can focus on what they do best.

Over 1,000,000 hours are spent on comfort and backup every year.

And that's just by external counsel.

We’re setting a new standard – a faster, more accurate, headache-free diligence process.

How do we do it?

Securities disclosure requires uncompromising attention to detail. How do we help you do it better, faster, and cheaper?

It's simple.

Our AI-powered tool turns the work you're already doing into a central source of truth, so everyone stays on the same page from Day 1.

Statements are linked directly to sources and communication is saved in context.

We believe adopting new tools should be painless, so we consulted with lawyers at leading firms and issuers to ensure Statera fits seamlessly into existing workflows.

The right  tool

Built to make comfort and backup better, faster, and cheaper.

The right  team

Our tool takes the pain out of managing collaboration with internal and external stakeholders.

The right  tech

AI that's actually helpful, not just cool - no prompt engineering or coaxing required.

The right  process

Statera is to diligence what redlining software is to negotiation; once you try it, you can't imagine going back.


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